We then steered the Team Gillette bus toward Quebec,
where Hockey is arguably the most identifiably Canadian cultural
marker and the connection to players is even more intimate.

We again chose to tell a grooming story outside of the arena,
this time at the front door of local hockey legend Raf Pinard's aunt's home.
After noticing his smooth shave during a customary "La Bise" greeting, Raf's
aunt is inspired to take her husband's grooming game into her own hands.
Lauren Dinsdale, Taylor Vance: Producers
Riley Peak, Jack Rososin, Sam Rudykoff: Sr Creatives
Sacred Pact, Vincent RC: Directors
Includes state–of–the–art personality, 10+ years of agency experience and a very exciting wardrobe.
Interchangeable hats include managing teams large and small, winning new business and championing agency culture.
Lights up in collaborative environments.